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UNi-PRO 175mm Jumbo Deck Brush

4.3 (21)

I/N: 1662785

4.3 (21)

I/N: 1662785

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  • Wide 175mm brush
  • Easy to use and saves time
  • Designed for staining or oil decking
  • Soft filaments won't flick product
  • Available with adjustable pole
Most decking applicators only coat the surface, the UNi-PRO Jumbo brush has long, thick filaments to apply coating into the gaps between each board - all in a single stroke.

The 175mm width covers multiple boards and the thick, 50mm depth carries more paint, oil or stain so you get the job done quicker.

The pole can be adjusted from 0.85 to 1.55 metres to suit your needs. The pole can also be used with all standard thread rollers and applicators.

The Jumbo Brush can be used for other applications such as painting concrete, bricks or rough surfaces.

Made to last with a solid block, post and stainless steel ferrule.








175mm 160mm 1550mm


300mm 200mm 980mm


Easy To Carry

Total Weight 0.7kg


Model Name
Uni-Pro Jumbo Decking Brush
Model Number
Synthetic filament
Reusable (Yes/No)
Handle length (mm)
Recommended Use
Washable (Yes/No)
Brush head material
Synthetic filament
Ferrule Type
Stainless Steel
Handle Included (Yes/No)
Package Quantity
Handle Material
Head Shape


We will gladly assist with returns and exchanges of this product in accordance with our returns and exchanges policy.

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